The Temple
An Immersive Experience Into The Sacred
Re:bEARTHing You To The New Earth
Event Themes:
Initiation, Embodied Avatar, Igniting the Fire Within, New Beginnings Of The Self, Manifest, Generation, Who Do You Want To Become This Year, What Seeds You Want To Nourish
Planting Inner Seeds in the Souls Soils, Transforming Past Wounds, Traumas, Or Idenities or ways of life can be alchemized into fertilizer to feed and fuel the new you, the new earth
For those that feel called into something more than what their current life or the world seems to be offering.
That wish to know the gifts and mysteries still yet to be revealed within the
depths of their heart...
Too dance with what has been called magic
With roots firmly planted in the soils of what is truly real....
For those that wish to truly connect and speak with the living
web of all life.
For the ones that know they have a warrior within,
That was born to thrive for their living legacy and genius....
For those that feel the seeds and embers of something within
yearning to be ignited and fanned into a heart based re:evolution...
For those that know the waters and the trees and the lights that shine in
Our night skies
Are alive with the secret keys to authenticity and truth....
This Temple is for the remembrance, reemergence, and re-connection to true intimate relationship with nature and spirit, along with its integration into our daily lives....
An immersive, co-creative experience attuning those who feel this call, to the more deeply into their own unique right relationship with ceremonial ways of living.
What is the Temple?
The temple is a 4 hour guided journey into the mysteries and magick of nature and spirit, blurring the lines of where you end and it begins, not simply the nature that surrounds you, but also your own true nature, taking place at various nature vortexes and sacred sites. Each experience of the temple is unique, The Temple can include....
- Hike and Walk to vortexes and sacred sites in nature. What the toltecs have called a spirit or power walk....
- Guided Ceremony / Meditation (sometimes includes Cacao mixture)
- Guidance on how to commune with nature an spirit consciousness
- Energy work with The Earth, its sacred places, Spirit, and Creator.
- Simple practices to fit to your life to integrate these ways into living.

November 28th Event Specifics
Guided Spirit Nature Walk Meeting At Walker Trailhead in Barnardsville
Attunement to Portal Vortex
Guided Meditation / Music Journey at Vortex
Cacao Mixture
Practices for connecting to local spirits and sacred sites
Talking Circle / Q& A to Wrap Up